Thursday, May 6, 2010

When Malaysia is wrong, let us put it right

This country is ours, wrong or right,
That nobody can deny,
When she is wrong we’ll put her right
When she is right, we’ll keep it tight
Then there will be no sigh…..

Diverse as we are, united we ought to be,
As we swore to live in harmony,
Malaysia indeed is a blessed country,
Together we’ll create a common destiny.

This a blessed country, I'll say it again,
Prosperous, and wealth aplenty,
God gave us sunshine and the rain,
Helps enriching the soil's fertility,

From this earth, minerals are mined,
And "black gold" off the shore,
It's God's gift, "search and you'll find",
Malaysians just can't ask for more.

God endows, and we are still fighting,
That's mere selfishness and greed,
Must learn to live a life of sharing,
Lest, we are just a useless breed.

When evil combines, the good must unite,
Or we will be pushed down the drain,
The country is wrong, let's put it right,
Humpty and Dumpty is together again.

Fauzi Abd. Rahman

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